"...On the planet Earth, man had always assumed that he was more intelligent than dolphins because he had achieved so much - the wheel, New York, wars and so on - whilst all the dolphins had ever done was muck about in the water having a good time. But conversely, the dolphins had always believed that they were far more intelligent than man - for precisely the same reasons."
-Douglas Adams

30 August 2010

Focus of the blog

 The blog aims to report people that keep harmless animals captive in Medellin and worldwide.
We must take care and protect the animals from bandits that imprison them for a personal interest. This situation can not continue and therefore in this blog we will publish images, videos and information about this topic so that visitors realize this serious situation and seek some solution to the problem of imprisonment of animals.

As final work will be a discussion between team members where confronting statements for and against the marketing of animals and arguing with real data sources.
    In the debate the roles are distributed so

    Ø  George Perez: is the moderator, responsible for carrying out the discussion questions that generate

    Ø  Eduardo Loaiza : Is who is agree with the marketing of animals should present their arguments convincingly form.

    Ø  Jennifer Suarez : Is the part against the marketing of animals, she expose their arguments with true images from other sources
    Ø  Gabriel Ochoa: Is in charge of collecting during the debate the findings and make a reading at the end of the debate discussed

    Each group is committed to publishing information on the blog to use in the debate.


    Alberto Vásquez said...


    Good project.
    You have covered all aspects. Remember to register the readings where you get the information from.
    Important corrections:
    - The blog aims to report people that keep harmless animals captive in Medellin and worldwide.
    - We must take care and protect the animals from bandits that imprison them...
    - visitors realize this serious situation and seek some solution to the problem...

    Good luck!

    Do not imprison more ANIMALS said...

    teacher , thanks for the comment
    already we correct the grammar and we will put the bibliography of all the information.
    thanks again

    Maryory Gómez said...

    I really like your blog!!. I'm animalistic and fought for the rights of animals. Was wonderful for me to find your blog. I congratulate!!

    Do not imprison more ANIMALS said...

    hi Maryory
    thanks for your comente the blog is under construction animal liberation is a noble cause
    Thank you if you informaacion who can complement our web site

    RACY said...

    we want that your explain us this

    "whilst all the dolphins had ever d1one was muck about in the water having a good time"

    we think that maybe it can be wrong.

    please explain us that.

    (RACY- INGLES 3)

    Do not imprison more ANIMALS said...

    is a grammar wrong of the a quote , so we dont correct but it means that dolphins have not destroyed their environment in the water.